Routing Based on Message Payloads

This example scenario uses a back-end service with two stock quote inventories (IBM and MSFT). A proxy service is configured in the Micro Integrator to use separate mediation sequences for processing request messages with different payloads.

When a stock quote request is received, the Micro Integrator will read the message payload (content) and then route the message to the relevant mediation sequence for processing. The sequence will forward the message to the relevant stock quote inventory in the backend, receive the response, process it, and return it to the client.

Synapse configuration

Listed below are the synapse configurations (proxy service) for implementing this scenario. See the instructions on how to build and run this example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<proxy name="ContentBasedRoutingProxy" startOnLoad="true" transports="https http" xmlns="">
            <!-- The content of the incoming message will be isolated -->
            <!-- it is possible to assign the result of an XPath expression as well -->
            <!-- Will Route the content to the appropriate destination -->
            <switch source="$body//ser:getQuote/ser:request/xsd:symbol" xmlns:ser="http://services.samples" xmlns:xsd="http://services.samples/xsd">
                <case regex="IBM">
                    <sequence key="sequence1"/>
                <case regex="MSFT">
                    <sequence key="sequence2"/>
                    <log level="custom">
                        <property expression="fn:concat('Invalid request for symbol - ', //ser:getQuote/ser:request/xsd:symbol)" name="Error"/>
                <!-- The isolated content will be filtered -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence xmlns="" name="sequence1"> 
        <sequence key="send_seq"/> 
        <property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence xmlns="" name="sequence2"> 
        <sequence key="send_seq"/> 
        <property name="messageType" value="text/xml" scope="axis2"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence xmlns="" name="send_seq"> 
    <header name="Action" scope="default" value="urn:getQuote"/>
      <endpoint name="simple">
       <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/> 

Build and run

Create the artifacts:

  1. Set up WSO2 Integration Studio.
  2. Create an ESB Solution project.
  3. Create the proxy service with the configurations given above.
  4. Deploy the artifacts in your Micro Integrator.

Set up the back-end service:

  1. Download the stockquote_service.jar.
  2. Open a terminal, navigate to the location of the downloaded service, and run it using the following command:

    java -jar stockquote_service.jar

Invoke the proxy service:

  • Send a request to get the IBM stock quote and see that a JSON response is received with the IBM stock quote.

    HTTP method: POST 
    Request URL: http://localhost:8290/services/ContentBasedRoutingProxy
    Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
    Message Body:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="http://services.samples" xmlns:xsd="http://services.samples/xsd">
         <ser:getQuote xmlns:ser="http://services.samples" xmlns:xsd="http://services.samples/xsd">
    "Envelope": {
        "Body": {
            "getQuoteResponse": {
                "change": -2.86843917118114,
                "earnings": -8.540305401672558,
                "high": -176.67958828498735,
                "last": 177.66987465262923,
                "low": -176.30898912339075,
                "marketCap": 56495579.98178506,
                "name": "IBM Company",
                "open": 185.62740369461244,
                "peRatio": 24.341353665128693,
                "percentageChange": -1.4930577008849097,
                "prevClose": 192.11844053187397,
                "symbol": "IBM",
                "volume": 7791
  • Send a request to get the MSFT stock quote and see that an XML response is received with the MSFT stock quote.

    HTTP method: POST 
    Request URL: http://localhost:8290/services/ContentBasedRoutingProxy
    Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
    Message Body:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="http://services.samples" xmlns:xsd="http://services.samples/xsd">
         <ser:getQuote xmlns:ser="http://services.samples" xmlns:xsd="http://services.samples/xsd">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
        <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:ax21="http://services.samples/xsd" xmlns:ns="http://services.samples">
                    <ax21:name>MSFT Company</ax21:name>