Micro Integrator CLI

The Micro Integrator CLI allows you to monitor the synapse artifacts (deployed in a specified Micro Integrator server) from the command line. The CLI is an alternative to the management dashboard, which provides a graphical view of the deployed artifacts.

The dashboard as well as the CLI communicates with the management API of WSO2 Micro Integrator to function. Therefore, be sure to enable the Management API in the server before using the dashboard or the CLI.

Enable the Management API

Enable the management API when you start your WSO2 Micro Integrator instance by pass the following system property:

  • When you run the Micro Integrator on Docker, start your Docker container by passing the enableManagementApi system property:

    docker run -p 8290:8290 -p 9164:9164 -e JAVA_OPTS="-DenableManagementApi=true" <Docker_Image_Name>


    • The default address is https://localhost and the port is 9164.
    • You can change the default host and port of the dashboard by using the remote command.
  • When you run the Micro Integrator on a VM, navigate to the <MI_HOME>/bin directory, and execute the following command to enable the enableManagementApi system property:

    sh micro-integrator.sh -DenableManagementApi
    micro-integrator.bat -DenableManagementApi
  • The Management API is enabled for the embedded Micro Integrator in WSO2 Integration Studio by default.

Install and run the CLI

  1. To download the CLI, go to WSO2 Micro Integrator website -> Download -> Other Resources, and click CLI Tooling.
  2. Extract the downloaded ZIP file. This will be your <CLI_HOME> directory.
  3. Export the path to your <CLI_HOME>/bin directory as a system variable. This allows you to run the CLI tool from any location on your computer.

    • If you are using a UNIX-based operating system (Linux, Solaris, and MacOS X), execute the following command:
      export PATH=/path/to/mi/cli/directory/bin:$PATH
    • If you are using the Windows OS, go to System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables and add the path to the list of variables.
  4. Execute the following command to start the CLI:

  5. The available commands are listed as follows:

    mi is a Command Line Tool for Management of WSO2 Micro Integrator
    mi [command]
    Available Commands:
    api              Manage deployed Apis
    compositeapp     Manage deployed composite apps
    connector        Manage connectors
    dataservice      Manage deployed data services
    endpoint         Manage deployed endpoints
    help             Help about any command
    inboundendpoint  Manage deployed inbound endpoints
    localentry       Manage local entries
    log-level        Manage log4j properties
    messageprocessor Manage message processors
    messagestore     Manage message stores
    proxyservice     Manage deployed proxy services
    remote           Add, remove, update, or select Micro Integrator
    sequence         Manage deployed seqeunces
    task             Manage deployed tasks
    template         Manage templates
    version          Version of the CLI
    -h, --help      help for mi
    -v, --verbose   Enable verbose mode
    Use "mi [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Log in to the CLI

Use the following command to log in to the CLI tool. This will ask for the username and password. The default username is "admin" and the default password is "admin".

mi remote login

If you want to login using a one line command, use the following command:


If you are on Windows, you must always login with the following command.

mi remote login [username] [password]

To logout from the CLI, please use the following command:

mi remote logout

Using the CLI


mi [command]


mi version 

Global Flags

    Enable verbose logs (Provides more information on execution)
--help, -h
    Display information and example usage of a command


  • remote
        mi remote [command] [arguments]
    Available Commands:
        add [nick-name] [host] [port]        Add a Micro Integrator
        remove [nick-name]                   Remove a Micro Integrator
        update [nick-name] [host] [port]     Update a Micro Integrator
        select [nick-name]                   Select a Micro Integrator on which commands are executed
        show                                 Show available Micro Integrators
        login                                Login to use the Management API (will be prompted for username and password)
        login [username] [password]          Login (inline username and password)
        # To add a Micro Integrator
        mi remote add TestServer 9164
        # To remove a Micro Integrator
        mi remote remove TestServer
        # To update a Micro Integrator
        mi remote update TestServer 9164
        # To select a Micro Integrator
        mi remote select TestServer
        # To show available Micro Integrators
        mi remote show
        # login to the current (selected)  Micro Integrator instance
        mi remote login     # will be prompted for username and password
        # login (with inline username and password)
        mi remote login admin admin
  • log-level
       mi log-level [command] [arguments]
    Available Commands:
       show [logger-name]                   Show information about a logger
       update [logger-name] [log-level]     Update the log level of a logger
       # Show information about a logger
       mi log-level show org.apache.coyote
       # Update the log level of a logger
       mi log-level update org.apache.coyote DEBUG
  • api
        mi api [command] [argument]
    Available Commands:
        show [api-name]                      Get information about one or more Apis
        # To List all the apis
        mi api show
        # To get details about a specific api
        mi api show sampleApi
  • compositeapp
        mi compositeapp [command] [argument]
    Available Commands:
        show [app-name]                      Get information about one or more Composite apps
        # To List all the composite apps
        mi compositeapp show
        # To get details about a specific composite app
        mi compositeapp show sampleApp
  • endpoint
        mi endpoint [command] [argument]
    Available Commands:
        show [endpoint-name]                 Get information about one or more Endpoints
        # To List all the endpoints
        mi endpoint show
        # To get details about a specific endpoint
        mi endpoint show sampleEndpoint
  • inboundendpoint
        mi inboundendpoint [command] [argument]
    Available Commands:
        show [inboundendpoint-name]          Get information about one or more Inbounds
        # To List all the inbound endpoints
        mi inboundendpoint show
        # To get details about a specific inbound endpoint
        mi inboundendpoint show sampleEndpoint
  • proxyservice

        mi proxyservice [command] [argument]
    Available Commands:
        show [proxyservice-name]             Get information about one or more Proxies
        # To List all the proxy services
        mi proxyservice show
        # To get details about a specific proxy service
        mi proxyservice show sampleProxy
    - sequence
        mi sequence [command] [argument]
    Available Commands:
        show [sequence-name]                 Get information about one or more Sequences
        # To List all the sequences
        mi sequence show
        # To get details about a specific sequence
        mi sequence show sampleProxy
    - task
        mi task [command] [argument]
    Available Commands:
        show [task-name]                     Get information about one or more Tasks
        # To List all the tasks
        mi task show
        # To get details about a specific task
        mi task show sampleProxy
    - dataservice
        mi dataservice [command] [argument]
    Available Commands:
        show [data-service-name]             Get information about one or more Dataservices
        # To List all the dataservices
        mi dataservice show
        # To get details about a specific task
        mi dataservice show SampleDataService

  • connectors

         mi connector [command]
     Available Commands:
         show             Get information about the connectors
         # To List all the connectors
         mi connector show

  • templates
         mi template [command] [template-type] [template-name]
     Available Commands:
         show  [template-type]                  Get information about the given template type
         show  [template-type] [template-name]  Get information about the specific template
         # To List all the templates
         mi template show
         # To List all the templates of given template type
         mi template show endpoint
         # To get details about a specific template
         mi template show endpoint sampleTemplate
  • messageprocessor
         mi messageprocessor [command] [messageprocessor-name]
     Available Commands:
         show  [messageprocessor-name]  Get information about one or more Message Processor
         # To List all the message processor
         mi messageprocessor show
         # To get details about a specific message processor
         mi messageprocessor show  sampleMessageProcessor
  • messagestore
         mi messagestore [command] [messagestore-name]
     Available Commands:
         show  [messagestore-name]  Get information about one or more Message Store
         # To List all the message store
         mi messagestore show
         # To get details about a specific message store
         mi messagestore show  sampleMessageStore
  • localentry
         mi localentry [command] [localentry-name]
     Available Commands:
         show  [localentry-name]  Get information about one or more Local Entries
         # To List all the local entries
         mi localentry show
         # To get details about a specific local entry
         mi localentry show  sampleLocalEntry