MQTT Connection Factory Parameters

Given below is the list of transport parameters that can be configured when you create a proxy service.

Required Parameters

Property Description The name of the host.
mqtt.server.port The port ID. The possible values are 1883 or 1885. The client ID. The name of the topic

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
mqtt.subscription.qos The QoS value. The possible values are 0, 1, or 2.
mqtt.session.clean Whether session clean should be enabled or not.
mqtt.ssl.enable Whether SSL should be enabled or not.
mqtt.subscription.username The username for the subscription.
mqtt.subscription.password The password for the subscription. The path of the directory to be used as the persistent data store for quality of service purposes. The default value is the Micro Integrator temp path.
mqtt.blocking.sender Whether blocking sender should be enabled or not.
mqtt.content.type The content type. The default content type is text/plain.
mqtt.message.retained Whether the messaging engine should retain a published message or not. This parameter can be used only in the transport sender. By default, this parameter is set to false.