Developing Integration Solutions

The contents on this page will walk you through the topics related to developing integration solutions using WSO2 Micro Integrator.

Development workflow

Integration developers will follow the workflow illustrated by the following diagram.

developer workflow

Step 1: Set up the workspace To start developing integration solutions, you need to first set up your workspace.
Install WSO2 Integration Studio, which you will use to develop, build, and test your integration artifacts.
Step 2: Develop the artifacts Before you start developing your artifacts, design the synapse configurations that suite your requirement. Use the following resources:
  • See the Use cases documentation, which contains:
    • Tutorials that will walk you through the process of developing the most common integration use cases.
    • Examples providing a quick demo that will help you understand the synapse configurations for implementing specific functions.
  • See the documentation on developing common integration patterns to get an understanding on the best practices that should be followed while developing integration solutions for the Micro Integrator.
  • See the WSO2 Integration Studio documentation for in-depth information on the development tool.
  • See the documentation on creating unit tests for the integration solution you developed.
Step 3: Build and Run the integration Once you have developed your integration solution,
  1. Package the integration artifacts
  2. Build and run the integration artifacts in the Micro Integrator that is embedded in WSO2 Integration Studio.
Step 4: Iterate and improve You can easily test your integration flow either in a container environment, or a VM.
  • Use the Integration Test Suite in WSO2 Integration Studio to run unit testing on your integration artifacts.
  • To test the integration flow in Docker, create a Docker project and push it to your Docker environment.
  • To test the integration flow in Kubernetes, create a Kubernetes project and push it to your Kubernetes environment.
  • To test the integration flow as a VM deployment, you can instantly build and run the integration artifacts in the Micro Integrator that is embedded in WSO2 Integration Studio.
As you build and run the integration flow, you may identify errors that need to be fixed, and changes that need to be done to the synapse artifacts.
  1. Debug the mediation flow to find potential errors.
  2. Redeploy the integration artifacts after applying changes.

    Note: If you are testing on a VM, the artifacts will be instantly deployed when you Redeploy the synapse artifacts. If you are testing on containers, you need to rebuild the Docker images or Kubernetes artifacts.
Step 5: Deploy in production It is recommended to use a CICD pipeline to deploy your tested integration solutions in the production environment.

WSO2 Integration Studio handles the continous integration of your solutions by generating the artifacts that need to be pushed to a remote artifact repository for the continous deployment process:
Develop your first integration solution.

You can try the development workflow end-to-end by running a simple use case.
Using WSO2 Integration Studio

Get familiar with the developer tool for creating your integration solutions.