Creating Sequence Templates

Follow the instructions given below to create a new Sequence Template in WSO2 Integration Studio.


Follow these steps to create a new Sequence Template.

  1. If you have already created an ESB Config project, right click the project and go to New → Template to open the New Template Artifact dialog.
  2. Select Create a New Template and click Next.
  3. Type a unique name for the template and specify Sequence Template as the type of template you are creating.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To save the endpoint in an existing ESB Config project in your workspace, click Browse and select that project.
    • To save the endpoint in a new ESB Config project, click Create new Project and create the new project.
  5. Click Finish . The template is created in the src/main/synapse-config/templates folder under the ESB Config project you specified.
  6. Open the new artifact from the project explorer, and update any optional sequence template properties.