HL7 Inbound Endpoint Properties


The HL7 inbound protocol is an alternative to the HL7 transport. The HL7 inbound endpoint implementation is fully asynchronous and is based on the Minimal Lower Layer Protocol(MLLP) implemented on top of event driven I/O.


<inboundEndpoint xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"
         <parameter name="inbound.hl7.Port">20000</parameter>
         <parameter name="inbound.hl7.AutoAck">true</parameter>
         <parameter name="inbound.hl7.ValidateMessage">true</parameter>
         <parameter name="inbound.hl7.TimeOut">10000</parameter>
         <parameter name="inbound.hl7.CharSet">UTF-8</parameter>
         <parameter name="inbound.hl7.BuildInvalidMessages">false</parameter>
         <parameter name="inbound.hl7.PassThroughInvalidMessages">false</parameter>  


Listed below are the properties used for creating a HL7 inbound endpiont.

Optional Properties

The following properties can be configured when creating a HL7 inbound endpiont.

Property Description
inbound.hl7.Port The port on which you need to run the MLLP listener.
inbound.hl7.AutoAck Whether or not an auto acknowledgement should be sent on message receipt. If set to false, you can define the type of HL7 acknowledgement to be sent. For more information, see HL7 inbound endpoint mediation level properties.

The default setting is true.
inbound.hl7.ValidateMessage This enables HL7 message validation.

The default setting is true.
inbound.hl7.TimeOut The timeout interval in milliseconds to trigger a NACK message.

The default values is 10000.
inbound.hl7.CharSet The character set used for encoding and decoding messages. Some multi-byte character encodings (e.g. UTF-16, UTF-32) may result in byte values equal to the MLLP framing characters or byte values lower than 0x1F, which results in errors. Possible values are UTF-8, UTF-8, and US-ASCII.

Default value is US-ASCII.
inbound.hl7.BuildInvalidMessages If the inbound.hl7.ValidateMessage parameter is set to false and the incoming message is invalid, this parameter specifies whether the raw message received through the MLLP transport should be passed onto the mediation layer.

The default setting is false.
inbound.hl7.PassthroughInvalidMessages If the inbound.hl7.BuildInvalidMessages parameter is set to true, this parameter notifies the Axis2 HL7 transport sender whether to use the raw message. The default setting is false.
inbound.hl7.MessagePreProcessor An implementation of the org.wso2.carbon.inbound.endpoint.protocol.hl7.HL7MessagePreprocessor interface can be defined here. It provides an extension point to intercept incoming messages before any type of message parsing occurs. You can use any fully qualified class name.
sequential The behavior when executing the given sequence.
When set as true , mediation will happen within the same thread. When set as false , the mediation engine will use the inbound thread pool. The default thread pool values can be found in the MI_HOME/conf/deployment.toml file, under the `[mediation]` section. The default setting is true.
Suspend If the inbound listener should pause when accepting incoming requests, set this to true. If the inbound listener should not pause when accepting incoming requests, set this to false.

Mediation-Level Properties

Following are the mediation level properties that you can set in the HL7 inbound endpoint:


The scope of these properties is the default scope.

Property Description
<property name="HL7_RESULT_MODE" value="ACK|NACK" scope="default"/> This is use to define the type of HL7 acknowledgement to be sent. If the inbound.hl7.AutoAck parameter is set to true this property has no effect.
<property name="HL7_NACK_MESSAGE" value="<ERROR MESSAGE>" scope="default" /> This is used to define a custom error message to be sent if you have set the property HL7_RESULT_MODE as NACK .
<property name="HL7_APPLICATION_ACK" value="true" scope="default"/> If the inbound.hl7.AutoAck parameter is set to false and no immediate auto generated ACK is sent back to the client, this property defines whether we should automatically generate the ACK for the request once the mediation flow is complete. If both the inbound.hl7.AutoAck parameter and this property are set to false, you need to generate an ACK message in the correct format as a response.