SMPP Inbound Endpoint Example

The SMPP inbound endpoint allows you to consume messages from SMSC via WSO2 EI. WSO2 EI SMPP inbound endpoint acts as a message consumer. It creates a connection with the SMSC, then listens over a port to consume only SMS messages from the SMSC and injects the messages to the EI sequence. It will receive alert notifications or will notify when a data short message accepted.

What you'll build

This scenario demonstrates how the SMPP inbound endpoint works as an message consumer. In this scenario, you should have a connectivity with SMSC (Short Message service center) via SMPP protocol. For this we are using SMSC simulator to accomplish the required requirements. Please refer the Setting up the SMPP Connector documentation for more information.

The SMPP inbound endpoint is listening to the Short Message service center for consuming messages using defined port number in the Inbound Endpoint configurations. If SMSC generates some message by itself or user injects SMS messages to the SMSC, WSO2 EI SMPP Inbound Endpoint will receive and notify. Then just log the SMS message content. In your own scenarios, you can inject that message into the mediation flow for getting the required output.

Following diagram shows the overall solution we are going to build. The SMSC will generate or receive messages from the outside, while the SMPP inbound endpoint will consume messages based on the updates.

SMPP Inbound Endpoint

Configure inbound endpoint using WSO2 Integration Studio

  1. Download WSO2 Integration Studio. Create an Integration Project as below.

Creating a new Integration Project

  1. Right click on Created Integration Project -> New -> Inbound Endpoint -> Create A New Inbound Endpoint -> Inbound Endpoint Creation Type**and select as **custom -> Click Next.

Creating inbound endpoint

  1. Click on Inbound Endpoint in design view and under properties tab, update class name to org.wso2.carbon.inbound.smpp.SMPPListeningConsumer.

  2. Navigate to the source view and update it with the following configuration as required.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inboundEndpoint xmlns=""
      <parameter name="inbound.behavior">eventBased</parameter>
      <parameter name="sequential">true</parameter>
      <parameter name="coordination">true</parameter>
      <parameter name="port">2775</parameter>
      <parameter name="addressNpi">UNKNOWN</parameter>
      <parameter name="host">localhost</parameter>
      <parameter name="reconnectInterval">3000</parameter>
      <parameter name="addressTon">UNKNOWN</parameter>
      <parameter name="systemType">CPT</parameter>
      <parameter name="retryCount">-1</parameter>
      <parameter name="bindType">BIND_RX</parameter>
      <parameter name="addressRange">null</parameter>
      <parameter name="systemId">kasun</parameter>
      <parameter name="password">kasun</parameter>
      <parameter name="exponentialFactor">5</parameter>
      <parameter name="maximumBackoffTime">10000</parameter>
Sequence to process the message

In this example for simplicity we will just log the message, but in a real world use case, this can be any type of message mediation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence xmlns="" name="request" onError="fault">
   <log level="custom">
      <property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"
      <property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"
      <property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"
      <property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"
      <property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"
      <property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"
   <log level="full"/>

Note: To configure the systemId and password parameter value, please use the steps given under the topic Configure the SMSC (Short Message Service Center) simulator in the Setting up the SMPP Connector documentation. - systemId : username to access the SMSC - password : password to access the SMSC

Exporting Integration Logic as a CApp

CApp (Carbon Application) is the deployable artefact on the Enterprise Integrator runtime. Let us see how we can export integration logic we developed into a CApp. To export the Solution Project as a CApp, a Composite Application Project needs to be created. Usually, when a solution project is created, this project is automatically created by Integration Studio. If not, you can specifically create it by navigating to File -> New -> Other -> WSO2 -> Distribution -> Composite Application Project.

  1. Right click on Composite Application Project and click on Export Composite Application Project.
    Export as a Carbon Application

  2. Select an Export Destination where you want to save the .car file.

  3. In the next Create a deployable CAR file screen, select inbound endpoint and sequence artifacts and click Finish. The CApp will get created at the specified location provided in the previous step.

Get the project

You can download the ZIP file and extract the contents to get the project code.

Download ZIP


You may need to update the simulator details and make other such changes before deploying and running this project.


  1. Navigate to the connector store and search for SMPP Connector. Click on SMPP Inbound Endpoint and download the .jar file by clicking on Download Inbound Endpoint. Copy this .jar file into /lib folder.

  2. Download jsmpp-2.1.0-RELEASE.jar and asyncretry-jdk7-0.0.6.jar copy inside /lib folder.

  3. Copy the exported carbon application to the /repository/deployment/server/carbonapps folder.

  4. Start the WSO2 EI server.


Please use the smpp-connector-example testing steps to test this Inbound Endpoint scenario. You need to send the SMS message to the SMSC via the SMPP connector example API(SmppTestApi.xml).

Sample request

 curl -v POST -d '{"sourceAddress":"16111", "message":"Hi! This is the first test SMS message.","distinationAddress":"071XXXXXXX"}' "" -H "Content-Type:application/json"

SMPP Inbound Endpoint will consume message from the SMSC.

Expected respons

 [2020-05-18 10:56:05,495]  INFO {org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.LogMediator} - MessageId = 0, SourceAddress = null, DataCoding = 0, ScheduleDeliveryTime = null, SequenceNumber = 7, ServiceType = null
 [2020-05-18 10:56:05,506]  INFO {org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.LogMediator} - To: , MessageID: urn:uuid:F767BC9689D3D2221B1589779565430, Direction: request, Envelope: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><text xmlns="">Hi! This is the first test SMS message.</text></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

What's next
