Business Rules APIs

Listing the available business rule instances


Description Returns the list of business rule instances that are currently available.
API Context /business-rules/instances
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime tooling

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/business-rules/instances" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/instances" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

[ "Found Business Rules", "Loaded available business rules", [ [ { "ruleTemplateUUID": "identifying-continuous-production-decrease", "properties": { "timeInterval": "6", "timeRangeInput": "5", "email": "[email protected]", "validateTimeRange": "function validateTimeRange(number) {\n\tif (!isNaN(number) && (number > 0)) {\n\t\treturn number;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthrow 'A positive number expected for time range';\n\t}\n}", "getUsername": "function getUsername(email) {\n\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)) {\n\t\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)[0] === email) {\n\t\t\treturn email.split('@')[0];\n\t\t}\n\t\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n\t}\n\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n}", "timeRange": "5", "username": "example" }, "uuid": "samplesiddhiapp", "name": "SampleSiddhiApp", "templateGroupUUID": "3432442", "type": "template" }, 1 ] ], 0 ]


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Delete business rule with given UUID


Description Deletes the business rule with the given UUID.
API Context /business-rules/instances/{businessRuleInstanceID}?force-delete=false
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime tooling

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
{businessRuleInstanceID} The UUID (Uniquely Identifiable ID) of the business rules instance to be deleted.

curl command syntax

curl -X DELETE "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/business-rules/instances/business-rule-1?force-delete=false" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin

Sample curl command

curl -X DELETE "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/instances/business-rule-1?force-delete=false" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin

Sample output

[ "Deletion Successful", "Successfully deleted the business rule", 6 ]


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Fetch template group with the given UUID


Description Returns the template group that has the given UUID.
API Context /business-rules/template-groups/{templateGroupID}
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime tooling

Parameter description

Parameter Description
{templateGroupID} The UUID of the template group to be fetched.

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/business-rules/template-groups/{templateGroupID}" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/template-groups/sweet-factory" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

[ "Found Template Group", "Loaded template group with uuid '3432442'", { "uuid": "3432442", "name": "Sweet Factory", "description": "Configure Sweet Factory Rules", "ruleTemplates": [ { "uuid": "identifying-continuous-production-decrease", "name": "Identify Continuous Production Decrease", "type": "template", "instanceCount": "many", "script": "var timeRange = validateTimeRange(${timeRangeInput});\nvar username = getUsername('${email}');\n\n// Validates the input provided for time range\nfunction validateTimeRange(number) {\n\tif (!isNaN(number) && (number > 0)) {\n\t\treturn number;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthrow 'A positive number expected for time range';\n\t}\n}\n\n// Gets the username from provided email\nfunction getUsername(email) {\n\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)) {\n\t\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)[0] === email) {\n\t\t\treturn email.split('@')[0];\n\t\t}\n\t\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n\t}\n\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n}", "description": "Alert factory managers if rate of production continuously decreases for `X` time period", "templates": [ { "type": "siddhiApp", "content": "@App:name('SweetFactory-TrendAnalysis')\n\n@source(type='http', @map(type='json'))\ndefine stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double, factoryId int);\n\n@sink(type='log', @map(type='text', @payload(\"\"\"\nHi ${username},\nProduction at Factory {{factoryId}} has gone\nfrom {{initalamout}} to {{finalAmount}} in ${timeInterval} seconds!\"\"\")))\ndefine stream ContinousProdReductionStream (factoryId int, initaltime long, finalTime long, initalamout double, finalAmount double);\n\nfrom 


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Fetch rule templates of the template group with given UUID


Description Returns the rule templates of the template group with the given UUID.
API Context /business-rules/template-groups/{templateGroupID}/templates
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime Tooling

Parameter description

Parameter Description
{templateGroupID} The UUID of the template group of which the rule templates need to be fetched.

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9643/business-rules/template-groups/{templateGroupID}/templates" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/template-groups/sweet-factory/templates" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

[ "Found Rule Templates", "Loaded available rule templates for template group with uuid '3432442'", [ { "uuid": "identifying-continuous-production-decrease", "name": "Identify Continuous Production Decrease", "type": "template", "instanceCount": "many", "script": "var timeRange = validateTimeRange(${timeRangeInput});\nvar username = getUsername('${email}');\n\n// Validates the input provided for time range\nfunction validateTimeRange(number) {\n\tif (!isNaN(number) && (number > 0)) {\n\t\treturn number;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthrow 'A positive number expected for time range';\n\t}\n}\n\n// Gets the username from provided email\nfunction getUsername(email) {\n\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)) {\n\t\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)[0] === email) {\n\t\t\treturn email.split('@')[0];\n\t\t}\n\t\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n\t}\n\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n}", "description": "Alert factory managers if rate of production continuously decreases for `X` time period", "templates": [ { "type": "siddhiApp", "content": "@App:name('SweetFactory-TrendAnalysis')\n\n@source(type='http', @map(type='json'))\ndefine stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double, factoryId int);\n\n@sink(type='log', @map(type='text', @payload(\"\"\"\nHi ${username},\nProduction at Factory {{factoryId}} has gone\nfrom {{initalamout}} to {{finalA


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Fetch rule template of specific UUID available under a template group with specific UUID


Description Returns the rule template with the specified UUID that is defined under the template group with the specified UUID.
API Context /business-rules/template-groups/{templateGroupID}/templates/{ruleTemplateID}
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime Tooling

Parameter description

Parameter Description
{templateGroupID} The UUID of the template group from which the specified rule template needs to be retrieved.
{ruleTemplateID} The UUID of the rule template that needs to be retrieved from the specified template group.

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/template-groups/{templateGroupID}/templates/{ruleTemplateID}" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9643/business-rules/template-groups/sweet-factory/templates/identifying-continuous-production-decrease" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

[ "Found Rule Template", "Loaded rule template with uuid 'identifying-continuous-production-decrease'", { "uuid": "identifying-continuous-production-decrease", "name": "Identify Continuous Production Decrease", "type": "template", "instanceCount": "many", "script": "var timeRange = validateTimeRange(${timeRangeInput});\nvar username = getUsername('${email}');\n\n// Validates the input provided for time range\nfunction validateTimeRange(number) {\n\tif (!isNaN(number) && (number > 0)) {\n\t\treturn number;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthrow 'A positive number expected for time range';\n\t}\n}\n\n// Gets the username from provided email\nfunction getUsername(email) {\n\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)) {\n\t\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)[0] === email) {\n\t\t\treturn email.split('@')[0];\n\t\t}\n\t\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n\t}\n\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n}", "description": "Alert factory managers if rate of production continuously decreases for `X` time period", "templates": [ { "type": "siddhiApp", "content": "@App:name('SweetFactory-TrendAnalysis')\n\n@source(type='http', @map(type='json'))\ndefine stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double, factoryId int);\n\n@sink(type='log', @map(type='text', @payload(\"\"\"\nHi ${username},\nProduction at Factory {{factoryId}} has gone\nfrom {{initalamout}} to {{finalAmount}} in ${timeInterval} seconds!\"\"\")))\ndefine stream ContinousProdReductionStream (factoryId int, initaltime long, finalTime long, initalamout do


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Fetch available template groups


Description Returns all the template groups that are currently available in the SI setup.
API Context /business-rules/template-groups
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime Tooling

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/business-rules/template-groups" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/template-groups" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

[ "Found Template Groups", "Loaded available template groups", [ { "uuid": "stock-exchange", "name": "Stock Exchange", "description": "Domain for stock exchange analytics", "ruleTemplates": [ { "uuid": "stock-exchange-input", "name": "Stock Exchange Input", "type": "input", "instanceCount": "many", "script": "", "description": "configured http source to receive stock exchange updates", "templates": [ { "type": "siddhiApp", "content": "@App:name('appName1')\n@Source(type = 'http', receiver.url='${receiverUrl}',  basic.auth.enabled='false',\n@map(type='text'))\ndefine stream StockInputStream(symbol string, price float, volume long, name string);", "exposedStreamDefinition": "define stream StockInputStream(symbol string, price float, volume long, name string);" } ], "properties": { "receiverUrl": { "fieldName": "Receiver URL", "description": "Enter the URL of the http receiver for text messages. One URL can only be used once", "defaultValue": "https://localhost:8005/stockInputStream" } } }, { "uuid": "stock-exchange-output", "name": "Stock Exchange Output", "type": "output", "instanceCount": "many", "script": "", "description": "configured output to log the filtered stock exchange data", "templates": [ { "type": "siddhiApp", "content": "@App:name('appName2')\n\ndefine stream StockOutputStream(companyName string, companySymbol string, sellingPrice float);\


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Fetch business rule instance with given UUID


Description Returns the business rule instance with the given UUID.
API Context /business-rules/instances/{businessRuleInstanceID}
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime Tooling

Parameter description

Parameter Description
{businessRuleInstanceID} The UUID of the business rules instance to be fetched.

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/business-rules/instances/{businessRuleInstanceID}" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/instances/business-rule-1" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

[ "Found Business Rule", "Loaded business rule with uuid 'sample'", { "ruleTemplateUUID": "identifying-continuous-production-decrease", "properties": { "timeInterval": "6", "timeRangeInput": "5", "email": "[email protected]", "validateTimeRange": "function validateTimeRange(number) {\n\tif (!isNaN(number) && (number > 0)) {\n\t\treturn number;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthrow 'A positive number expected for time range';\n\t}\n}", "getUsername": "function getUsername(email) {\n\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)) {\n\t\tif (email.match(/\\S+@\\S+/g)[0] === email) {\n\t\t\treturn email.split('@')[0];\n\t\t}\n\t\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n\t}\n\tthrow 'Invalid email address provided';\n}", "timeRange": "5", "username": "example" }, "uuid": "sample", "name": "Sample", "templateGroupUUID": "3432442", "type": "template" } ]


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Create and save a business rule


Description Creates and saves a business rule.
API Context /business-rules/instances?deploy={deploymentStatus}
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime Tooling

Parameter description

Parameter Description

curl command syntax

Sample curl command

curl -X POST "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/instances?deploy=true" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: multipart/form-data" -F 'businessRule={"name":"Business Rule 5","uuid":"business-rule-5","type":"template","templateGroupUUID":"sweet-factory","ruleTemplateUUID":"identifying-continuous-production-decrease","properties":{"timeInterval":"6","timeRangeInput":"5","email":"[email protected]"}}' -u admin:admin -k

Sample output


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Update business rules instance with given UUID


Description Updates the business rules instance with the given UUID.
API Context /business-rules/instances/{businessRuleInstanceID}?deploy={deploymentStatus}
Request/Response Format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime Tooling

Parameter description

Parameter Description
{businessRuleInstanceID} The UUID of the business rules instance to be updated.

Sample curl command

curl -X PUT "https://localhost:9743/business-rules/instances/business-rule-5?deploy=true" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Business Rule 5","uuid":"business-rule-5","type":"template","templateGroupUUID":"sweet-factory","ruleTemplateUUID":"identifying-continuous-production-decrease","properties":{"timeInterval":"9","timeRangeInput":"8","email":"[email protected]"}}' -u admin:admin -k


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.
