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Permission APIs
Adding a permission string
Description |
Adds a new permission string. |
API Context |
/permissions |
HTTP Method |
Request/Response format |
application/json |
Authentication |
Basic |
Username |
admin |
Password |
admin |
Runtime |
server/tooling |
curl command syntax
curl -X POST https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/permissions/ -H 'content-type: application/json' -d ' { "appName":"<SIDDHI_APPLICATION_NAME>", "permissionString":"<PERMISSION_STRING>"}' -k
Sample curl command
curl -X POST https://localhost:9443/permissions/ -H 'content-type: application/json' -d ' { "appName":"MON", "permissionString":"MON.manager"}' -k
Sample output
HTTP Status Code |
Possible codes are 200 and 404.
For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes . |
Getting a permission ID for a permission string
Description |
Returns the permission ID for a given permission string. |
API Context |
/permissions/app/{appName} |
HTTP Method |
Request/Response format |
application/json |
Authentication |
Basic |
Username |
admin |
Password |
admin |
Runtime |
server/tooling |
Parameter |
Description |
{appName} |
curl command syntax
curl -X GET https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/permissions/app/{appName}
Sample curl command
curl -X GET https://localhost:9443/permissions/app/MON
Sample output
HTTP Status Code |
Possible codes are 200 and 404.
For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes . |
Checking whether a specific user role is granted a specific permission
Description |
Checks whether the specified user role is granted a specific permission. |
API Context |
/permissions/auth/{permissionID}/{roleName} |
HTTP Method |
Request/Response format |
Authentication |
Username |
Password |
Runtime |
server/tooling |
Parameter |
Description |
{permissionID} |
The ID of a specific permission. The API checks whether this permission is granted to the specified user role. |
{roleName} |
The ID of a specific user role. The API checks whether this user role is granted the specified permission ID. |
curl command syntax
Sample curl command
curl -X GET https://localhost:9443/permissions/auth/8dc31fec-8364-3082-9f88-c7ca7d979873/admin
Sample output
HTTP Status Code |
Possible codes are 200 and 404.
For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes . |
Deleting a permission string
Description |
Deletes the specified permission string. |
API Context |
/permissions/{permissionID} |
HTTP Method |
Request/Response format |
Authentication |
Username |
Password |
Runtime |
server/tooling |
Parameter |
Description |
{permissionID} |
The ID of the permission string to be deleted. |
curl command syntax
curl -X DELETE https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/permissions/{permissionID}
Sample curl command
curl -X DELETE https://localhost:9443/permissions/e9687c6f-b5b2-3216-b3bd-82e7a8e14367
Sample output
HTTP Status Code |
Possible codes are 200 and 404.
For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes . |
Listing roles with a specific permission
Description |
Lists the user roles that are currently granted the specified user role. |
API Context |
/permissions/{permissionsID}/roles |
HTTP Method |
Request/Response format |
Authentication |
Username |
Password |
Runtime |
server/tooling |
Parameter |
Description |
{permissionID} |
The ID of the permission for which the user roles need to be listed. |
curl command syntax
curl -X GET https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/permissions/{permissionID}/roles
Sample curl command
curl -X GET https://localhost:9443/permissions/8dc31fec-8364-3082-9f88-c7ca7d979873/roles
Sample output
HTTP Status Code |
Possible codes are 200 and 404.
For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes . |
Revoking a specific permission for all roles
Description |
Revokes the specified permission for all the user roles. |
API Context |
/permissions/revoke/{permissionID} |
HTTP Method |
Request/Response format |
Authentication |
Username |
Password |
Runtime |
server/tooling |
Parameter |
Description |
{permissionID} |
The ID of the permission that needs to be revoked for all user roles. |
curl command syntax
curl -X POST https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/permissions/revoke/{permissionID}
Sample curl command
curl -X POST https://localhost:9443/permissions/revoke/8dc31fec-8364-3082-9f88-c7ca7d979873
Sample output
HTTP Status Code |
Possible codes are 200 and 404.
For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes . |
Revoking a specific permission for a specific role
Description |
Grants or revokes a permission for the specified user role. The permission is passed as an array in the body of the request. |
API Context |
/permissions/roles/{roleID}?action=revoke/grant |
HTTP Method |
Request/Response format |
application/json |
Authentication |
Username |
Password |
Runtime |
server/tooling |
Parameter |
Description |
{roleID} |
The ID of the user role for which the permission given in the request body needs to be granted or revoked. |
curl command syntax
Sample curl command
curl -X POST 'https://localhost:9443/permissions/roles/admin?action=revoke' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d ' { "appName":"MON", "permissionString":"MON.manager"}'
Sample output
HTTP Status Code |
Possible codes are 200 and 404.
For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes . |