Pipeline Quick Start Guide

Setting up a basic pipeline for WSO2 Micro Integrator on Kubernetes is quick and simple.

Before you begin to develop your pipeline, set up the following prerequisites in a running Kubernetes cluster.


  • Install and set up Helm (Supported version 2.14.3)

  • Install Nginx Ingress Controller Git release nginx-0.22.0

Deploy the CI/CD pipeline

  1. Download the following values-mi.yaml file and replace the placeholders with their respective values.

    • <REGISTRY_USERNAME> - Docker organization name.

    • <REGISTRY_PASSWORD> - Docker password.

    • <REGISTRY_EMAIL> - Email address of Docker organization.

    • <EMAIL> - Email address notifications should be sent to in case of failure.

    • <GITHUB_USERNAME> - GitHub username.

    • <GITHUB_PASSWORD> - GitHub password.

  2. Add the WSO2 helm repository.

    $ helm repo add wso2 https://helm.wso2.com
    $ helm repo update

  3. Install the pipeline Helm chart by pointing to the updated values-mi.yaml file.

    $ helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> wso2/kubernetes-pipeline --version 1.1.0 -f values-mi.yaml --namespace <NAMESPACE>


    The installation will take up to 10 minutes.

  4. Obtain the external IP (`EXTERNAL-IP`) of the Ingress resources by listing down the Kubernetes Ingresses.

    $ kubectl get ing -n <NAMESPACE>
    <RELEASE_NAME>-grafana grafana.example.com <EXTERNAL_IP> 80 20m
    <RELEASE_NAME>-kibana kibana.example.com <EXTERNAL_IP> 80 20m
    <RELEASE_NAME>-spinnaker-deck spinnaker.example.com <EXTERNAL_IP> 80, 443 20m
    <RELEASE_NAME>-spinnaker-gate gate.spinnaker.example.com <EXTERNAL_IP> 80, 443 20m
    jenkins-ingress jenkins.example.com <EXTERNAL_IP> 80, 443 20m
  5. Add the above hosts as an entry in /etc/hosts as follows:

    <EXTERNAL_IP>  grafana.example.com kibana.example.com spinnaker.example.com jenkins.example.com

  6. Navigate to the following URLs on any web browser

    • Continuous Integration:https://jenkins.example.com

    • Continuous Delivery: https://spinnaker.example.com

    • Monitoring: https://grafana.example.com

    • Logging: https://kibana.example.com
