Performance Analysis Results


  • These performance statistics were taken when the load average was below 3.8 in the 4 core instance.

  • Most of the examples given below use log sinks to log statistics for performance monitoring purposes. However, note that log sinks incur a high system overhead and can lower performance by even more than 50%.

Performance analysis results summary

The recommended CPU and memory specifications for Docker containers are as follows:

  • CPU: 4 cores

  • Memory: 8GB

The recommended memory specifications SI server as follows. These are configured in the <SI_Home>/wso2/server/bin/ file.

  • Xms: 2GB

  • Xmx: 4GB

The exact specifications used in the use cases listed in this section are summarised in the table below:

Scenario CPU Memory SI Memory Allocation Input TPS Input Message Size Output TPS
Consuming events using Kafka source 4 cores 8GB - Xms: 2g

- Xmx: 4g
180K 60 bytes Not Available
Consuming messages from an HTTP Source 4 cores 8GB - Xms: 2g

- Xmx: 4g
30K 60 bytes Not Available
Sending HTTP requests and consuming the responses 4 cores 8GB - Xms: 2g

- Xmx: 4g
29K Sent: 60 bytes

Received: 60 bytes
- To HTTP Source: 29K

- To HTTP Request Sink: 29K
Performing ETL tasks 4 cores 16GB - Xms: 2g

- Xmx: 4g
29K Read: 100 bytes

Stored: 200 bytes
To Oracle Store: 72K
Consuming messages from a Kafka source and publish to an HTTP endpoint 2 cores Docker Memory: 3GB - Xms: 256m

- Xmx: 1g
10K Consumed: 400 bytes

Published: 600 bytes
Consuming messages from a CSV file and publish to a MySQL table 4 cores Docker Memory: 8GB - Xms: 2g

- Xmx: 4g
9K Read: 300 bytes

Published: 300 bytes
Monitoring a database table in MySQL and publishing data to a Kafka topic 4 cores Docker Memory: 8GB - Xms: 2g

- Xmx: 4g
13K Read: 300 bytes

Published: 300 bytes
Read XML file and mapping to a stream 4 cores Docker Memory: 8GB - Xms: 2g

- Xmx: 4g
40K read: 350 bytes 40K
Reading an XML file and publishing to a Kafka topic 4 cores Docker Memory: 8GB - Xms: 2g

- Xmx: 4g
38K read: 350 bytes

Published: 350 bytes

Consuming events using Kafka source

Specifications of EC2 Instances

  • Stream Processor : c5.xLarge
  • Kafka server : c5.xLarge
  • Kafka publisher : c5.xLarge

Siddhi Application


@App:description('Consume events from a Kafka Topic and publish to a different Kafka Topic')

define stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double);

define stream KafkaSourceThroughputStream(count long);

from SweetProductionStream#window.timeBatch(5 sec)
select count(*)/5 as count
insert into KafkaSourceThroughputStream;


Average Consuming TPS from Kafka: 180K

Consuming messages from an HTTP Source

Specifications of EC2 Instances

  • Stream Processor : c5.xLarge
  • JMeter : c5.xLarge

Siddhi Application


@App:description('Consume events from http clients')

@source(type='http', worker.count='20', receiver.url='',
define stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double);

define stream HttpSourceThroughputStream(count long);

from SweetProductionStream#window.timeBatch(5 sec)
select count(*)/5 as count
insert into HttpSourceThroughputStream;


Average Consuming TPS from Http Source: 30K

Sending HTTP requests and consuming the responses

Specifications of EC2 Instances

  • Stream Processor : c5.xLarge
  • JMeter : c5.xLarge
  • Web server : c5.xLarge

Siddhi Application


@App:description('Consume events from an HTTP source, ')

@source(type='http', worker.count='20', receiver.url='',
define stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double);

@sink(type='http-request', l,'production-request', publisher.url='', @map(type='json'))
define stream HttpRequestStream (batchNumber double, lowTotal double);

@source(type='http-response' ,'production-request', http.status.code='200',
define stream HttpResponseStream(batchNumber double, lowTotal double);

define stream FinalThroughputStream(count long);

define stream InputThroughputStream(count long);

from SweetProductionStream
select 1D as batchNumber, 1200D as lowTotal
insert into HttpRequestStream;

from SweetProductionStream#window.timeBatch(5 sec)
select count(*)/5 as count
insert into InputThroughputStream;

from HttpResponseStream#window.timeBatch(5 sec)
select count(*)/5 as count
insert into FinalThroughputStream;


  • Average Consuming TPS to HTTP Source : 29K
  • Average Publishing TPS from HTTP request sink : 29K
  • Average Consuming TPS from HTTP response source: 29K

Performing ETL tasks

Specifications of EC2 Instances

  • Stream Processor : m4.xlarge
  • JMeter : m4.xlarge
  • Web server : m4.xlarge

Siddhi Application

This scenario was tested using two Siddhi applications that execute the process explained below.

ETL Process

The two Siddhi applications are as follows:


@App:description('This sample demonstrates on integrating a File in a particular location with a Database.')

@source(type='file', mode='LINE',
        @attributes(code = '0', serialNo = '1', amount = '2', fileName = 'trp:file.path', eof = 'trp:eof')))
define stream FileReaderStream (code string, serialNo string, amount double, fileName string, eof string); -- Reads from file

      password="root" ,"com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
      isAutoCommit = 'true')
define table AccurateBatchTable(serialNo string, amount double, fileName string, status string, timestamp long);

@sink(type='log', prefix='File to DB copying has Started: ')
define stream FileReadingStartStream(fileName string);

@sink(type='log', prefix='File to DB copying has Finished: ')
define stream FileReadingEndStream(fileName string);

from FileReaderStream
select serialNo, amount, fileName, "test" as status, eventTimestamp() as timestamp, count() as rowNumber, eof
insert into DataStream;

from DataStream
select *
insert into DataStreamPassthrough;

-- Write to DB Passthrough
from DataStreamPassthrough#window.externalTimeBatch(timestamp, 5 sec, timestamp, 10 sec)
select serialNo, amount, fileName, status, timestamp, rowNumber, eof
insert into TemporaryTablePassthroughStream;

-- Log First Record
from TemporaryTablePassthroughStream[rowNumber == 1]
select fileName
insert into FileReadingStartStream;

-- Log Every 100000th Record
from TemporaryTablePassthroughStream
select fileName, rowNumber as rows
insert into FileReadingInProgressStream;

-- Log Last Record
from TemporaryTablePassthroughStream[eof == 'true']
select fileName
insert into FileReadingEndStream;

-- Write to DB
from TemporaryTablePassthroughStream#window.batch()
select serialNo, amount, fileName, status, timestamp
insert into AccurateBatchTable;


@App:description('This sample demonstrates on moving files to a specific location comparing its content with the header values.')

@source(type='file', mode='REGEX',
        fail.on.missing.attribute = 'false',
            expectedRowCount = 'A[1]',
            fileName = 'trp:file.path')))
define stream HeaderReaderStream (fileName string, expectedRowCount long);

@source(type='file', mode='LINE',
        @attributes(code = '0', serialNo = '1', amount = '2', fileName = 'trp:file.path', eof = 'trp:eof')))
define stream FileReaderStream (code string, serialNo string, amount double, fileName string, eof string);

@sink(type='log', prefix='Accurate Batch: ')
define stream AccurateFileNotificationStream (fromPath string);

@sink(type='log', prefix='Inaccurate Batch: ')
define stream InaccurateFileNotificationStream (fromPath string);

@sink(type='log', prefix='Batch checking started: ')
define stream ExpectedRowCountsStream (fileName string, expectedRowCount long);

define stream AnalyzingLogStream (fileName string, rowCount long);

define table ExpectedRowCountsTable (fileName string, expectedRowCount long, existingRowCount long);

@sink(type='log', prefix='Batch checking finished: ')
define stream ExistingRowCountsStream (fileName string, existingRowCount long);

-- Expected Row Count reader. Moves file from 'new' to 'header-processed'
from HeaderReaderStream[NOT(expectedRowCount is null) and NOT(fileName is null)]
select *
insert into ExpectedRowCountsStream;

from ExpectedRowCountsStream
select fileName, expectedRowCount, -1L as existingRowCount
insert into ExpectedRowCountsTable;

-- Existing Row Count calculator. Moves file from 'header-processed' to 'rows-counted'
from FileReaderStream
select *
insert into FileDataStream;

partition with (fileName of FileDataStream)
    from FileDataStream
    select fileName, count() as rowCount, eof
    insert into #ThisFileRowCounts;

    from #ThisFileRowCounts
    select fileName, rowCount
    insert into AnalyzingLogStream;

    from #ThisFileRowCounts[eof == 'true']
    select fileName, rowCount as existingRowCount
    insert into ExistingRowCountsStream;

-- Existing vs. Expected Row Counts comparer
from ExistingRowCountsStream as S inner join ExpectedRowCountsTable as T on str:replaceFirst(S.fileName, 'header-processed', 'new') == T.fileName
select S.fileName as fromPath, T.expectedRowCount as expectedRowCount, S.existingRowCount as existingRowCount
insert into FileInfoMatcherStream;

from FileInfoMatcherStream
select fromPath, existingRowCount
update ExpectedRowCountsTable
    set ExpectedRowCountsTable.existingRowCount = existingRowCount
    on ExpectedRowCountsTable.fileName == fromPath;

-- Accurate file mover
from FileInfoMatcherStream[expectedRowCount == existingRowCount]
select fromPath
insert into AccurateFileStream;

from AccurateFileStream#file:move(fromPath, '/Users/wso2/demo/accurate-files/')
select fromPath
insert into AccurateFileNotificationStream;

-- Inaccurate batch file mover
from FileInfoMatcherStream[expectedRowCount != existingRowCount]
select fromPath
insert into InaccurateFileStream;

from InaccurateFileStream#file:move(fromPath, '/Users/wso2/demo/inaccurate-files/')
select fromPath
insert into InaccurateFileNotificationStream;
For a detailed description of this scenario, see the Streaming ETL with WSO2 Streaming Integrator article


The performance statistics of this scenario are as follows:

  • Lines : 6,140,031
  • Size : 124MB
  • Database : AWS RDS instance with oracle-ee
  • Duration : 1.422 minutes (85373ms)

Consuming messages from a Kafka source and publish to an HTTP endpoint

Specifications of EC2 Instances

Docker resource allocation

Memory 3GB
CPU 2 Cores

Server memory allocation

Xms 256m
Xmx 1g

Siddhi applications

The following Siddhi applications were used in this scenario:

  • To read messages from a Kafka topic, do a transformation and insert into an in-memory topic:

    @App:description('Reads messages from kafka topics and puts into in-memory-input topic')
    @sink(type = 'inMemory', topic = "in-memory-input",
      @map(type = 'passThrough'))
    define stream ToInMemoryInput (kafkaConsumerInTS long, kafkaConsumerOutTS long, locations string, material string, createdDate string, sid string, headline string, body string, publishTS long, id string);
    @source(type = 'kafka', topic.list = "test3", threading.option = "single.thread", = "group1", 
      bootstrap.servers = "", optional.configuration = "auto.offset.reset:latest",
      @map(type = 'json', fail.on.missing.attribute = "false", enclosing.element = "$"))
    define stream FromKafkaMessage (locations string, material string, createdDate string, sid string, headline string, body string, publishTS string, id string, updatedDate string);
    @sink(type = 'log', prefix = '----------------------Kafka Consumer Throughput per second: ',
      @map(type = 'json'))
    define stream LogSink (totalEventsPerSec long);
    @info(name = 'Kafka Consumer Event Timestamp')
    from FromKafkaMessage
    select eventTimestamp() as kafkaConsumerInTS, time:timestampInMilliseconds() as kafkaConsumerOutTS, locations, material, 
    str:replaceFirst(createdDate, 'Z', 'GMT') as createdDate, 
    sid, headline, body, time:timestampInMilliseconds(str:replaceFirst(ifThenElse(publishTS is null, updatedDate, publishTS), 'Z', 'GMT'), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ") as publishTS, ifThenElse( id is null, 'null', id) as id
    insert into ToInMemoryInput;
    from FromKafkaMessage#window.timeBatch(1 sec)
    select count() as totalEventsPerSec
    insert into LogSink;
  • To filter dynamic headers from incoming data stream

    @App:description('Filter dynamic headers from incoming data stream')
    @sink(type = "inMemory", topic = "in-memory-output", @map(type = "passThrough"))
    define stream ToInMemoryOutput (sid string, connectionId string, headers string, data string);
    @source(type = 'inMemory', topic = "in-memory-input", @map(type = 'passThrough'))
    define stream FromInMemoryInput (kafkaConsumerInTS long, kafkaConsumerOutTS long, locations object, material 
    object, createdDate string, sid string, headline string, body string, publishTS long, id string);
    @info(name = 'Filter Heards Messages')
    from FromInMemoryInput
    select  sid, "test_connectionId" as connectionId, "'connectionId:test_connectionId','appKey:workManWork','Content-type:application/json'" as headers,
            "type": "heards_sub_resp",
            "publishTS": {{publishTS}},
            "dynamicAppInTS": {{dynamicAppInTS}},
            "dynamicAppOutTS": {{dynamicAppOutTS}},
            "kafkaConsumerInTS": {{kafkaConsumerInTS}},
            "kafkaConsumerOutTS": {{kafkaConsumerOutTS}},
            "id": "{{id}}",
            "material": {{material}},
            "locations": {{locations}},
            "createdDate": "{{createdDate}}",
        'headline', headline, 
        'body', body, 
        'id', id, 
        'material', json:getString(material, '$'), 
        'locations', json:getString(locations, '$'), 
        'createdDate', str:replaceFirst(createdDate, 'GMT', 'Z'), 
        'sid', sid, 
        'publishTS', publishTS, 
        'dynamicAppOutTS', time:timestampInMilliseconds(), 
        'dynamicAppInTS', eventTimestamp(), 
        'kafkaConsumerInTS', kafkaConsumerInTS, 
        'kafkaConsumerOutTS', kafkaConsumerOutTS, 
        'correlationId', 'Test123')) as data
    insert into ToInMemoryOutput;
    - To read output messages from the in-memory-output topic and publish them to the HTTP client

    @App:description('Reads from in-memory-output topic and publishes messages to client')
    @source(type = 'inMemory', topic = "in-memory-output", @map(type = 'passThrough'))
    define stream fromInMemoryOutput (sid string, connectionId string, headers string, data string);
    @sink(type = 'http',
      method = "POST",
      publisher.url = "",
      headers = "{{headers}}",
      on.error = "LOG","1000",
      ssl.verification.disabled = "true",
      @map(type = 'json',
        @payload("""{"data":{{data}} }""")))
    define stream ToWsClient (data string, wsPublisherOutTS long, headers string, connectionId string, sid string);
    @sink(type = 'log', prefix = '----------------------WS Publisher Throughput per second: ',
      @map(type = 'json'))
    define stream LogSink (totalEventsPerSec long);
    @info(name = 'Add Filtered Message Timestamp')
    from fromInMemoryOutput
    select json:toString(json:setElement(json:setElement(json:toObject(data), '$', eventTimestamp(), 'wsPublisherInTS'), '$', time:timestampInMilliseconds(), 'wsPublisherOutTS')) as data, time:timestampInMilliseconds() as wsPublisherOutTS, headers, connectionId, sid
    insert into ToWsClient;
    from ToWsClient#window.timeBatch(1 sec)
    select count() as totalEventsPerSec
    insert into LogSink;


  • Memory consumed: 1g

  • TPS: 10,000

Consuming messages from a CSV file and publish to a MySQL table

Specifications of EC2 Instances

Docker resource allocation

Memory 8GB
CPU 4 Cores

Server memory allocation

Xms 2g
Xmx 4g

Siddhi application


@App:description("Description of the plan")

@store(type='rdbms' , jdbc.url='jdbc:mysql://',username='root',password='root','com.mysql.jdbc.Driver') 
define table  PurchesOrderTable (orderID string, numberOfItems int, totalValue double, paymentStatus string, deliveryAddress string );

@source(type='file', mode='line',
@map(type='csv', delimiter=','))
define stream InventoryUpdate (orderID string, numberOfItems int, totalValue double, paymentStatus string, deliveryAddress string);

@async(buffer.size='4096', workers='2', batch.size.max='5000') 
define stream IntrimEventStream(orderID string, numberOfItems int, totalValue double, paymentStatus string, deliveryAddress string);

from InventoryUpdate
select *
insert into IntrimEventStream;

from IntrimEventStream
select *
insert into PurchesOrderTable;

from InventoryUpdate#window.timeBatch(1 sec)
select count() as throughput
insert into OutputStream;

from OutputStream#log('TPS: ')
insert into TempStream;


  • Memory consumed: 2.56g

  • TPS: 9,000

Monitoring a database table in MySQL and publishing data to a Kafka topic

Specifications of EC2 Instances

Docker resource allocation

Memory 8GB
CPU 4 Cores

Server memory allocation

Xms 2g
Xmx 4g

Siddhi applications


@App:description("Description of the plan")

@source(type = 'cdc', url = "jdbc:mysql://", username = "root", password = "root", = "PurchesOrders", operation = "insert", 
    @map(type = 'keyvalue', fail.on.missing.attribute = "false"))
define stream PurchesOrderStream (orderID string, numberOfItems int, totalValue double, paymentStatus string, deliveryAddress string );

define stream kafkaPublisherStream(orderID string, numberOfItems int, totalPayable double, deliveryAddress string);

define stream kafkPubTps(pubCount long);

define stream publishTps(recCount long);

from PurchesOrderStream[paymentStatus =='cod' or paymentStatus=='paid']
select orderID, numberOfItems, ifThenElse(paymentStatus=='cod', totalValue, 0.0) as totalPayable, deliveryAddress
insert into kafkaPublisherStream;

from PurchesOrderStream#window.timeBatch(1 sec)
select count() as recCount
insert into publishTps;

from kafkaPublisherStream#window.timeBatch(1 sec)
select count() as pubCount
insert into kafkPubTps;


  • Memory Consumption: 1.5g

  • Time taken: 46 minutes

  • Data set size: 34,330,327

Read XML file and mapping to a stream

Specifications of EC2 Instances

Docker resource allocation

Memory 8GB
CPU 4 Cores

Server memory allocation

Xms 2g
Xmx 4g

Siddhi applications


@App:description("Description of the plan")

    type = 'file', 
    file.uri = "file:/home/ubuntu/csv/input.xml", 
    mode = "line",
    tailing = "false", 
        @attributes(id = "/node/@id", lat = "/node/@lat", lon = "/node/@lon", version = "/node/@version", timestamp = "/node/@timestamp", changeset = "/node/@changeset")))
define stream FooStream (id string, lat string, lon string, version string, timestamp string, changeset string);

@info(name = 'totalQuery')
from FooStream#window.timeBatch(1 sec)
select count() as throughput
insert into OutputStream;

from OutputStream#log('TPS: ')
insert into TempStream;


  • Memory consumption: 1.2g

  • TPS: 40,000

Reading an XML file and publishing to a Kafka topic

Specifications of EC2 Instances

Docker resource allocation

Memory 8GB
CPU 4 Cores

Server memory allocation

Xms 2g
Xmx 4g

Siddhi applications

@App:description("Description of the plan")

    type = 'file', 
    file.uri = "file:/home/ubuntu/csv/input.xml", 
    mode = "line",
    tailing = "false", 
        @attributes(id = "/node/@id", lat = "/node/@lat", lon = "/node/@lon", version = "/node/@version", timestamp = "/node/@timestamp", changeset = "/node/@changeset")))
define stream FooStream (id string, lat string, lon string, version string, timestamp string, changeset string);

define stream kafkaStream(id string, lat string, lon string, version string, timestamp string, changeset string);

@info(name = 'totalQuery')
from FooStream#window.timeBatch(1 sec)
select count() as throughput
insert into OutputStream;

from OutputStream#log('TPS: ')
insert into TempStream;

from FooStream 
select * 
insert into kafkaStream;


  • Memory consumption: 1.7g

  • TPS: 38,000
