Monitoring WSO2 Streaming Integrator

Before you begin:

To enable WSO2 Streaming Integrator to publish statistics in Grafana, follow the instructions in Setting up Grafana to Display WSO2 SI Statistics.

To enable a Siddhi application to publish statistics to publish its statistics to Grafana, you need to specify Prometheus as the the statistics reporter via the @App:statistics annotation as shown below.

@App:statistics(reporter = 'prometheus')

For the dashboards to display statistics, at least one Siddhi application with the above configuration needs to be deployed in the Streaming Integrator Server.

Setting Up Grafana to Monitor WSO2 Streaming Integrator

WSO2 Streaming Integrator performs streaming operations via Siddhi applications, which are applications written in the Siddhi Query Language.

Each Siddhi application contains a combination ofSiddhi components.

For the purpose of monitoring the performance of the Siddhi components used in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator instance, it provides ten pre-configured dashboards. To view them in Grafana, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the following dashboards from the Streaming Integrator Git Repository. To download a specific dashboard, click on the dashboard name given below:

  2. Start and access Grafana. Then import the eleven dashboards you downloaded in the previous step. For more information, see Managing Grafana Dashboards - Importing Dashboards.

Accessing Grafana Dashboards for Monitoring

To navigate through the Grafana dashboards you set up for monitoring WSO2 Streaming Integrator and to analyze statistics, follow the procedure below:

  1. Start Grafana and access it via http://localhost:3000/.

  2. In the left pane, click the Dashboards icon, and then click Manage to open the Dashboards page. Here, you can click on the following dashboards:

    • Siddhi Overall Statistics

      This displays the overall statistics related to your Streaming Integrator instance and the Siddhi components of the Siddhi applications that are currently deployed in it.

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Overall Statistics.

    • Siddhi Server Statistics

      This displays statistics related to the Siddhi server.

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Server Statistics.

    • Siddhi Stream Statistics

      This displays statistics related to streams in the Siddhi applications currently deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Stream Statistics.

    • Siddhi Source Statistics

      This displays statistics related to sources in the Siddhi applications currently deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Source Statistics.

    • Siddhi Sink Statistics

      This displays statistics related to sinks in the Siddhi applications currently deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Sink Statistics.

    • Siddhi Query Statistics

      This displays statistics related to queries in the Siddhi applications currently deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Query Statistics.

    • Siddhi Window Statistics

      This displays statistics related to windows in the Siddhi applications currently deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Window Statistics.

    • Siddhi Trigger Statistics

      This displays statistics related to triggers in the Siddhi applications currently deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Trigger Statistics.

    • Siddhi Table Statistics

      This displays statistics related to tables in the Siddhi applications currently deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Table Statistics.

    • Siddhi Aggregation Statistics

      This displays statistics related to aggregations in the Siddhi applications currently deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Aggregation Statistics.

    • Siddhi On Demand Query Statistics

      This displays statistics related to on-demand-queries in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator server

      For a detailed description of the information displayed in this dashboard, see Viewing Server Statistics.
